• Room Soundproofing

    Room Sound Proofing Cover

    Reduce the impact of sound transmission

    As apartment living has become more practical, the need to reduce sound transmission in 2-story dwellings has become increasingly important to inhabitants. Consideration for creating spaces conducive to working from home is important for new builds along with easily achieved retro-fit options for existing dwellings.

    Room soundproofing solutions involve using building products with mass to reduce the effects of impact sound such as footsteps and airborne sound – music, talking and television travelling through floors and walls.

    PhoneStar is a room-soundproofing solution, proven in Europe that Woodland Lifestyle have brought to New Zealand.

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    PhoneStar Tri is a versatile high-performance acoustic insulation panel. Made from a combination of sand and cardboard, it is designed to reduce both impact and airborne sound while adding thermal mass to structures.


    It can be fitted onto new studs, or fixed over existing walls or under floor coverings. For optimal performance it can be decoupled from the existing wall (becomes a wall within a wall).

    It is ideal for noisy neighbour problems, rumpus rooms, boardrooms, offices and noise proofing air bnbs.

    Product information
    Product used PhoneStar Tri
    Length x Width 1200 x 800mm
    Thickness 15mm
    Qty (per pallet) 56
    Made from Corrugated cardboard and sand
    Suitable for floors, walls, ceilings and sloping ceilings. Can also be used with underfloor heating systems
    Technical information
    Impact sound insulation up to ΔLw = 22dB
    Airborne sound insulation up to Rw = 38 dB
    Reaction to fire E
    Thermal conductivity 0,17 W/(mK)
    Weight/sqm 18.0kg



    Decoupled Wall Solution
    Decoupled Wall Solution

    43.5 to 46mm thickness timber walls

    16mm Resilient Channel
    15mm Phonestar Acoustic Panel
    13mm Acoustic Plasterboard

    Decoupling or separating the sound control system from the wall gives higher performance than a direct to wall fix. Also ideal for new and existing walls.

     Noise reduction of up to 15dB

    Decoupled Battened Wall Solution
    Decoupled Battened Wall Solution

    64.5 to 91mm thickness timber walls

    Recommended 45x45mm batten
    Optional – Fibreglass or Wool insulation.
    16mm Resilient Channel
    15mm Phonestar Acoustic Panel
    13mm Acoustic Plasterboard

    Adding an extra batten on top of existing wall linings provides the best performing solution for noise control. Adding a layer of insulation, or noise control material will also further enhance the reduction in sound transmission.

    Noise reduction of up to 18dB

    Direct Fix Option
    Direct Fix Option

    27.5 to 30mm thickness – timber walls

    15mm Phonestar Acoustic Panel
    13mm Acoustic Plasterboard

    This solution offers the least amount of loss of space in the living space. It gives good results for noise reduction. Suitable for new and existing walls.

    Noise reduction of up to 10dB


    Installing PhoneStar sound proofing boards can be undertaken by a competent DIYer.


    Plan your install. PhoneStar sheet sizes are 1200mm long x 800mm wide. Its important to cut for a firm fit as gaps will transmit sound.


    PhoneStar can be cut with a saw, or with a knife. Cut edges must be sealed with PhoneStar Eco Tape, to prevent the sand spilling out.


    PhoneStar is fixed horizontally using standard drywall screws. After installation, seal any gaps with an acoustic sealant before lining with the final wall covering.

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