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Phonestar Tri

Acoustic Insulation

 Reduces sound transmission and improves acoustic performance of walls, floors and ceilings.


Phonestar is designed to enhance acoustic performance of walls, floors and ceilings while reducing sound transmission. It is a breathable product, constructed of compacted loose sand mixture with a fluted engineered cardboard carcass. A high mass provides considerable noise damping. It can be used in timber frame construction and concrete walls.


With apartment living becoming more popular in New Zealand the requirement for soundproofing a room, or a sourcing acoustic flooring systems has become something that is not only considered in new home builds, but also as a retro-fit or remedial repair option. The good news is room-soundproofing doesn’t need to be a complex process – PhoneStar Tri is able to be installed by a competent DIY’er.

There are 2 types of noise to consider, airborne sound reduction and impact sound reduction. Airborne sound reduction is the typically noise resulting from television, music and loud voices, whereas impact sound is created by footsteps, or moving furniture across the floor surface.

An eco-friendly solution, it’s made from natural materials – basically sand and cardboard. Its mass reduces the impact of sound travelling through walls or floors. The density of the product obviously increases weight of the board so in consideration of this the size has been reduced to a manageable 1200x800mm weighing it at 18kg – making soundproofing insulation quite achievable even for one-man fixers.

PhoneStar performs well due to it’s overall thickness, 15mm is not a great deal thicker than conventional drywall products and has thermal benefits, absorbing heat throughout the day and releasing it as the room cools in the evening. 

Available at Mitre 10 Mega Mount Wellington:

Address: 72 Lunn Avenue Mount Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand

Phone: 09 574 0099

Technical Specifications



Length x width 1200mm x 800mm
Thickness 15mm
Weight m2 18kg



Acoustic Brochure


Marshall Day Report

Marshall Day Report Woodland LifeSTyle ACoustics

Phonestar Tri Pass

PhoneStar Tri Pass

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